
The Problem of Clutter: What a Time Suck! The Challenge of 100 Things

Perhaps you're one of those people that I envy: true simplicity abounds in your life, and there's a place for every magazine, mascara tube, and muffin pan you own.

Or, perhaps you're like me, and after a long day of work you dread the thought ~ I have to clean again?? Truthfully, though, it's not a problem with cleanliness. The time suck comes from too much clutter. Accumulating 'things' can actually become oppressive.

If you, too, feel weighed down by the sheer amount of stuff surrounding you at home, kick off a new adventure with me: it's called the "100 Things Challenge."

About a year ago a San Diego blogger named Dave Bruno started a movement called "The 100 Thing Challenge" in an attempt to free his life from excessive clutter and remove himself from excess consumerism.

Now, although I'm not setting an absolute goal to get down to 100 things, I very much appreciate his concept. I plan to sort through at least ten items everyday: pitch it, donate it, sell it, or keep it. Easy said, but not so easy done.

Yet I have a feeling that once I finish just one closet I'll feel a lot better about what I'm coming home to at the end of the day.

For more inspiration, see Time Magazine's piece on "de-cluttering."

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